Workplan & Quality Assurance Protection Plan
The NRA Clean Rivers Program is guided by a Workplan and Quality Assurance Protection Plan (QAPP) which is developed every other year as part of our contract with TCEQ.
The NRA Clean Rivers Program is guided by a Workplan and Quality Assurance Protection Plan (QAPP) which is developed every other year as part of our contract with TCEQ.
The workplan describes all the activities to be carried out in the Clean Rivers Program in six tasks with specific objectives:
The QAPP is a separate document with explicit details on the parameter criteria, how water quality sampling is to be accomplished, and how samples are to be handled and data analyzed.
NRA QAPP FY20-21 Amendment #1 Amendment #2 Amendment #3
All monitoring is conducted in accordance with the QAPP which relies on TCEQ’s Surface Water Quality Monitoring Procedures, Volumes 1 and 2. (complete titles and links below)
Aquatic Life Monitoring (ALM) on the upper Frio seg. 2113.
By examining the numbers, sizes and kinds of fish species found in a waterbody an index of biological indicators (IBI) score can be calculate. Sites with the highest IBI scores are considered Exceptional and High. The fish communities within the headwater segments of the Nueces basin typically fall into these top two classifications.
Gathering field parameters on the Nueces seg. 2104 near Tilden.
A data sonde is used to gather filed parameters like Dissolved Oxygen, PH and Conductivity. Sometimes sondes are left overnight to capture the diurnal fluctuations in Oxygen levels.
Aquatic Life Monitoring (ALM) on the Upper Nueces seg. 2112 in Zavala County.
Electroshocking is one way to sample the fish community. Fish are temporarily immobilized by the current and then scooped by nets for measurement and classification before being released.
Quarterly monitoring on Choke Canyon Reservoir seg. 2116.
When monitoring in the reservoirs water samples are collected with a bucket from specific GPS identified locations within the water body. The data sonde is used to gather field parameter measurements from varying depths.